Clarence C. is retired after a long career but stays busy as a car deliverer for Ford dealerships, which isn’t really like work for the car enthusiast. When he’s not shuttling vehicles from lot to lot, Clarence likes to play golf and the Hoosier Lottery – specifically Powerball®.
Clarence went to the store to buy a Powerball ticket, and while there, he scanned his previous tickets to see if he had won. When the clerk scanned his ticket, “the machine went crazy,” Clarence said. The clerk told Clarence he’d have to take his ticket to the Hoosier Lottery’s Indianapolis office to claim his prize.
When Clarence called the Hoosier Lottery to make his appointment, he asked how much he had won. “Are you sitting down, Clarence?” the Hoosier Lottery representative asked, “because you just won $50,000!”
Hearing the news, Clarence began to sob. Once he had gotten ahold of his emotions, he told his wife about the win and she was thrilled.
Clarence and his wife plan to pay bills and celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary with the prize money.
Powerball® Overall Odds: 1 in 25